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- RIDDLE IN THE SKY 09/02/96
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- Source: Manchester Metro News
- Date: February 9, 1996
- By John Jeffay
- Two pilots saw it... now official report can't explaine the UFO over Ringway.
- IT had been a routine flight for Captain Roger Wills and his crew on the Boeing
- 737 from Milan.
- The 60 passengers on board had their seatbelts fastened for touchdown, British
- Airways flight 5061 was making its final approach to Manchester Airport... and
- then it happened.
- Something dark, silent and wedge-shaped suddenly flashed past the cockpit. It
- seemed so close that first officer Mark Stuart ducked involuntarily as it went
- passed.
- And two seconds later it was gone. Radar hadn't picked it up and air traffic
- control had no idea what it was - but the two pilots were so certain they'd
- seen something that they took the highly unusual step of loggin it as an
- official air miss.
- They believed that whatever they'd seen had come so close there'd been a real
- risk of collision.
- A lengthy inquiry by the Civil Aviation Inquiry has now concluded that it
- wasn't an aircraft - civil, military or remote-controled -it wasn't a hang
- glider, paraglider or microlite, it wasn't a balloon, it wasn't a kite and it
- wasn't a meteorological phenomena.
- "Unfortunately the nature and identity of this object remains unknown. The
- incident therefore remains unresolved," the report concludes. It adds,
- significanty, that it can't speculate on extra-terrestrial activity, but
- praises the pilots for their bravery in having reported the incident.
- Captain Wills and first officer Stuart still stand by their accounts, despite
- having risked ridicule from their colleagues, who are generally sceptical about
- reports of unidentified flying objects.
- Immediately after their close encounter, on the night of January 6 last year,
- they both independatly drew what they'd seen.
- They sketched a dark, wedge-shaped object, possibly with black stripe down the
- side.
- In sise it was somewhere between a light aircraft a small jet, It may have had
- a number of small white lights, rather like a Christmas tree or it may have
- been illuminated by it's own landing lights.
- It was definately a solid object, it certainly came very close along their
- right hand side, it made no attempt to deviate from its course, it made no
- sound and as it left at incredible speed it left no wake.
- The incident has aroused enormous interet amoung UFO investigators, partly
- because of the reliability of the two witnesses.
- One theory, put forward by the British UFO Research Association, is that it was
- a triangular spaceship dubbed the Silent Vulcan by investigators, because of
- its similarity to the old British Vulcan Bomber.
- Another, by military insiders, is that it was actually a U.S. Airforce Stealth
- bomber testing its kegendary invisibility on radar screens.
- A third, by Jenny Randles, expert on UFOs and the paranormal, is that it was
- nothing more than a bolide - a large piece of metalic space debris burning up
- as it entered the earth's atmosphere.
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